Construction of a flue-gas desulphurization unit in Estonia
VKG Energia OU
The flue-gas desulphurization (FGD) unit, which was unit put into operation at the Kohtla-Järve Power Plant, was ordered by VKG Energia OU. This turnkey FGD unit has a capacity of 280000 m3/h and was constructed by UAB Ekobana and AMK Krakow SA (Poland).
The unit was commissioned by all the supervisory bodies of Estonia; the system for continuous control of waste (part of the FGD project) was certified in accordance with the QAL 2 requirements under EN14181. The unit ensures the reduction of harmful acid emissions into the atmosphere in line with the requirements set by the new European Directives.
It should be noted that this big project of high national importance was completed at a high level of quality and in record time.
year started150
workers team2016
year of project delivery