Contract work of equipping of the IIIrd section of the dump of the Panevezys region
UAB “Panevėžio regiono atliekų tvarkymo centras”
Builder (Customer): CJSC Panevėžio regiono atliekų tvarkymo centras, Berzu st. 3, Panevezys 36237.
Project name: Construction project of the Panevezys regional dump, Dvarininkai village, Mieziskai subdictrict, Panevezys district (construction of the 3rd section) including detailed design.
Construction site: Dvarininkai village, Panevezys district.
Type of construction: construction of a new facility.
Construction category: special.
Purpose of the facility: other facilities: dumps.
Executor: joint activity of Closed corporation “Ekobana” and JSC “Utenos melioracija”.
Construction period: 2018-03-08 - 2018-11-08.
A part of the construction project has been prepared on the basis of technical design decisions prepared in 2006, and the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and regulatory and technical documentation in force.
In carrying out general construction works, the Contractor was guided by the current requirements and instructions of Lithuanian regulatory construction documents, technical instructions of material producers and all technical instructions, comments, etc. indicated in project drawings.
Shrubs were removed from the territory.
The excavated local clay soil was used to form the bottom and embankments of the section.
Drainage system for groundwater level lowering.
The 0.50 m thick bottom of the waste accumulation section is formed from local loam (clay). The clay layer was filled in layers of ~ 25 - 30 cm, maximally compacting them.
Having provided the established 2% slope of the bottom plane, the surface of compacted clay soil was formed, it was carefully examined - all protruding sharper stones and other objects were removed from the surface.
The upper layer of the section embankments was similarly formed - it is from clay soil and sufficiently compacted.
Construction of bottom of the section and slopes:
- compacted the existing natural soil Ev2 ≥ 30 MPa, - 0.50 m;
- a layer of geosynthetic clay ViaBent 500/200/305 Compo TL;
- CARBOFOL HDPE 406 film 2 mm;
- protective geotextiles (1200 g / m2);
- drainage layer - gravel fr. 8/32, CaCO3 25% ± 5% - 0.50 m;
- Disposable waste is filled on the drainage layer.
To ensure filtrate drain to collection system from perforated PP pipes, the bottom of the section has longitudinal and transverse slopes of 0.5%, filtrate is collected and moved to existing filtrate removal system.
An artificial hydrogeological barrier was laid on the formed base - an HDPE membrane 2 mm thick.
To protect the lining from mechanical damage, a protective geotextile was equipped on the artificial sealing lining.
Above the geotextile, a 0.50 m thick drainage layer (granite crushed stone fr. 20/40 mm - around drains) and gravel fr. 8/32 was equipped, in which the perforated filtrate collection pipes are laid.
Along the perimeter of the section, embankments were formed, in which the insulating materials of the bottom were anchored.
In the western part, an equipped embankment borders on existing sections.
The geosynthetic materials of the existing dump section are connected with the geosynthetic materials of the designed 3rd section so as to form a solid basis and not cause the risk of contamination of the soil, groundwater and surface water.
- dump bottom area of 30,000 m2,
- drainage equipment - drainage pipes, total length 1540 m,
- filtrate collection system - perforated pipes PP - 540 m,
- fire water supply with hydrants - 1400 m,
- access road equipping: asphalt covering 2,470 m2, gravel covering 995 m2.