UAB „Ekobana“ continues to supply oil power transformers for power system of Lithuania
Power system of Lithuania
We are glad that UAB „Ekobana“ is a strong organization capable of meeting global challenges.
Although the pandemic and the war have affected transformers production and supply chains, the company is in the process of regaining its previous capacity in this area.
For more than 10 years, we have been supplying modern 10/0.4 kV three-phase oil power transformers of 25-100 kVA and 160-1600 kVA power for power system of Lithuania, which meet:
- Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/1783 of 1 October 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 548/2014 on implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to small, medium and large power transformers. Transformers tests are carried out in accredited laboratories;
- July 2021 ECO2 standard requirements for the production of transformers, set in the Ecodesign Directive of the European Commission (the new requirements sets lower energy losses, which promotes greater energy efficiency, overall environmental protection by reducing CO2 emissions);
- Regulation (EU) No 548/2014. Requirements determines no-load and short-circuit losses.
UAB Ekobana carries out activities responsibly, can be proud of the trust of our partners and customers, and we are ready for new opportunities and cooperation.