A new 6 kV switchyard (MSP) and a new 6/0.4 kV transformer substation were built on the territory of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant
Establishment of power supply to INPP consumers from the 110/6 kV "Druksiai" substation is one of the most important tasks during INPP decommissioning. This task is planned to be realised in two stages.
This year UAB "Ekobana" has successfully completed the first stage of the project on optimization of power supply schemes for INPP consumers - in accordance with the technical and operational project, a new 6 kV distribution point (MSP) and a new 6/0.4 kV transformer substation were built on the territory of INPP, as well as connection and testing works.
The UAB “Ekobana” team will continue work on the next stage of optimization of power supply schemes for INPP consumers - construction of a new electrical substation (110/6 kV) with subsequent connection of new off-site facilities - storage and disposal facilities and on-site consumers via the already mentioned MSP.